Careers in Information Management and Business Data Analytics

CIMBA Industry Panel

Over 250 students in the University of Connecticut School of Business attended the annual CIMBA (Careers in Information Management and Business Analytics) Industry panel discussion. The event is scheduled for Wednesday, November 6th in UConn’s Rome Ballroom.

The purpose of holding this event each year is to spread awareness to undergraduate students about career opportunities in Analytics.  All students in the Business Information Systems (OPIM 3103) course were required to attend the forum as part of their grade. This is a course that is required for all students in the School of Business meant to build a understanding of  information systems across all majors.  Instructors of the course were in attendance to answer questions and provide guiding questions.

AIM Academic Director, Stephen Fitzgerald said that this event allows students to learn from UConn AIM (formerly MIS) alumni and to see how they got to where they are today.



Spring 2024 Panel

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Fall 2023 Panel

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