Our research is published in leading academic journals. Included under here is an incomplete list of papers that our faculty have published in recent years.
Bai, M., Cui, Y., Kong, G., & Zhang, Z. (2024). No Panic in Pandemic: The Impact of Individual Choice on Public Health Policy. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management.
Shi, C., Emadikhiav, M., Lozano, L., and Bergman, D. (2024). Constraint Learning to Define Trust Regions in Optimization Over Pre-Trained Predictive Models. INFORMS Journal on Computing
Chen, L., Rai, A., Chen, W., & Guo, X. (2024). Signaling Effects under Dynamic Capacity in Online Matching Platforms: Evidence from Online Health Consultation Communities. Information Systems Research.
Liang, C., Hong, Y., Gu, B. (2024). Monitoring and the Cold Start Problem in Digital Platforms: Theory and Evidence from Online Labor Market. Information Systems Research.
Liang, C., Hong, Y., Gu, B. (2024). Monitoring and Home Bias in Global Hiring: Evidence from an Online Labor Platform. Information Systems Research.
Hou, J., Liang, C., and Chen, P.-Y. (2024). How Socially Perceived Threat Shapes Preventive Behavior in the Context of COVID-19. Production and Operations Management.
Lin, X., Lu, T., & Wang, X. (Forthcoming). Mergers between on-demand service platforms: The impact on consumer surplus and labor welfare. Information Systems Research.
Li, H., Peng, J., Wang, G., & Bai, X. (2024). The Impact of Process- Versus Outcome-Oriented Reviews on the Sales of Healthcare Services. Information Systems Research.
Peng, J., & Van den Bulte, C. (2024). Participation vs. Effectiveness in Sponsored Tweet Campaigns: A Quality-Quantity Conundrum. Management Science. Management Science
Shankar, R. (2024). Tethered Durable Goods and Installed Base Degradation via Software Updates: Implications for Product Policy. Journal of Management Information Systems.
Sim, J., Choi, K., Cho, D., & Han, S. P. (2024). In-Consumption Information Cues and Online Video Consumption. MIS Quarterly.
Raghunathan, A., Bergman, D., Hooker, J., Serra, T., & Korobi, S. (2023). Seamless Multimodal Transportation Scheduling. INFORMS Journal on Computing.
Wang, K., Lozano, L., Cardonha, C., & Bergman, D. (2023). Optimizing over an ensemble of trained neural networks. INFORMS Journal on Computing.
Liang, C, Wu, J., and Li, X. (2023). Do ‘Likes’ in a Brand Community Always Make You Buy More? Information Systems Research.
Hou, J.*, Liang, C.*, Chen, P.-Y. *, and Gu, B. (2023). Can Telework Adjustment Help Reduce Disaster-Induced Gender Gap in Job Market Outcomes? Information Systems Research. (* These authors contributed equally).
Liu, Y., Lou, B., Zhao, X., & Li, X. (2023). Unintended Consequences of Advances in Matching Technologies: Information Revelation and Strategic Participation on Gig-Economy Platforms. Management Science.
Peng, J., & Liang, C. (2023). On the Differences Between View-Based and Purchase-Based Recommender Systems. Management Information Systems Quarterly.
Lu, T., Zheng, Z., & Zhong, Y. (2023). Maximizing the Benefits of an On-Demand Workforce: Fill Rate-Based Allocation and Coordination Mechanisms. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
Lu, T., & Tomlin, B. (2023). Forewarned is forearmed? Contingent sourcing, shipment information, and supplier competition. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
Bai, M., Berg, B., Sisikoglu Sir, E., & Sir, M. (2022). Priority-based Templating Strategies for Outpatient Specialty Practices. Production and Operations Management.
Bergman, D., Cardonha, C., Imbrogno, J., & Lozano, L. (2022). Optimizing the expected maximum of two linear functions defined on a multivariate Gaussian distribution. INFORMS Journal on Computing.
Liang, C. (2022). The Screening Role of Design Parameters for Service Procurement Auctions in Online Service Outsourcing Platforms. Information Systems Research.