Operations and Supply Chain Management Research

Professor Jose Cruz is an Associate Professor of Operations and Information Management and Associate Dean for Graduate Programs.  Dr. Cruz’s teaching interests are in Business Analytics, Project Management, Operations Management, and Statistics. His research is multidisciplinary and combines his background and interests in management, engineering, computer systems, and applied mathematics.  His general area is complex decision-making on network systems with a specific focus on global issues. He is especially interested in supply chain management, corporate social responsibility, sustainability, social relationships, and risk management. The methodological tools that he utilizes are variational inequalities, dynamical systems, network theory, multicriteria decision-making, and optimization. Dr. Cruz has published his research in European Journal of Operational Research, Naval Research Logistics, Decision Support Systems, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Environment & Planning B, Journal of Cleaner Production, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Computational Management Science, and Quantitative Finance. He has received the School of Business Ackerman Scholarship Award (two times), Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, and Distinguished Service Award.   He is the recipient of the 2019 UConn-AAUP Excellence Award: Service Excellence.

Professor Moustapha Diaby’s research interests are in the areas of Operations Management, Logistics and Distribution Management, Manufacturing Systems Modeling and Analysis, and Mathematical Programming. His focus in recent years has been on the modeling of Cellular Manufacturing Systems for Flexibility, Loyalty Reward Programs, Reverse Logistics Manufacturing Systems, and the formulation of hard Combinatorial Optimization Problems as Linear Programs (which has to do with the theoretical foundations of methods for solving Scheduling and Sequencing Problems efficiently). His publications have appeared in journals such as European Journal of Operational Research, Information Systems Frontiers, INFORMS J. on Computing, Int. J. of Math. in Operational Research, Int. J. of Operational Research, Int. J. of Production Economics, Int. J. Production Research, Int. Transactions in Operational Research, J. of the Operational Research Society, Management Science, Operations Research, and others.

Professor Cuihong Li’s research interests lie on the interfaces between operations, economics, and technology, in particular supply chain management and online markets. Her research applies quantitative analysis tools and information economic models in an operations context. Her research papers have appeared in or been accepted to Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, and numerous other academic journals.

Professor Tao Lu’s research interests lie in supply chain management, transport logistics, socially responsible operations, operations under new business models. The methodologies he often use in research include stochastic optimization, analytical modeling and game theory. His research has been published in journals such as Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, Transportation Science and others.

Professor Lakshman Thakur’s current research focuses on supply chains, production scheduling, product design, computation and applications of spline functions, facility location problems, and Advanced Manufacturing Techniques adoption process in India (with Professors VK Jain, IIT Kanpur, Ravi Shankar, IIT Delhi, Dinesh Kumar IIM Bangalore).  His research on production scheduling and Internet based implementation (both with Dr. Peter B. Luh) has been supported by National Science Foundation and Connecticut state Yankee Ingenuity Initiative grants. He is a full member of Informs (Operations Research Society of America & The Institute of Management Sciences) and Mathematical Programming Society. He has published in Management Science, Mathematics of Operations Research, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, SIAM Journal on Optimization and Control, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Naval Research Logistics, and other journals.

Professor Fasheng Xu’s general research interests lie in the interface of operations, finance, and economics. In particular, he is interested in studying the economic and social implications of emerging technologies and identifying effective designs and policies for innovative markets and platforms. His recent research has been focused on the following areas: blockchain, fintech, supply chain finance, digital platforms, and economics of data and privacy. His research has been published in leading academic journals such as Management Science and Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. His research has also won multiple awards, including 2022 Guttag Junior Faculty Award at Syracuse University, Finalist in 2022 MSOM iFORM SIG Best Paper Award Competition and Finalist in 2021 INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG) Paper Competition.