This joint OPIM department and MEM (Management and Engineering for Manufacturing) program case competition focuses on supply chain analysis. You do not need supply chain experience to participate. The key skill this case will focus on is business analysis. A diverse team is suggested to provide a well-rounded solution.

The sponsoring company has been having issues with their supplier from Vietnam. Your first day you receive the following message.

“We have a meeting scheduled for one hour from now on a key project you’ll be involved in from day 1.  It’s an important project related to product premiumisation and establishing new sources of premium ingredients.  We’re looking to procure an organic green tea from a new supplier in Vietnam, it will be the first organic green tea in our Lipton Product range responding to increasing consumer demand.  I think the SLP aspects of this project also make it very interesting…”

This simulates a real scenario that you could be presented with in a job.

The output will be an analysis of the scenario – data will be provided. This analysis can use any method and tools that the team chooses and could be descriptive, predictive, or a combination of them. A presentation is the final deliverable. During the presentation an actionable solution will be presented as a five (5) point plan for success. The presentation will be presented using clear and precise PowerPoint slides.

Participant Information

Teams must be composed of three students (recommended to have at least one member familiar with some business analysis, operations or analytics). Teams can pre-register together on the website or choose to form during the kick-off meeting. If you don't have a full three member team or you are a single student that is interested please make sure to attend the kickoff meeting so we can find a way to form full teams. Although this case is based in the business analysis and supply chain fields, it is recommended that teams are diverse in major, interest, and overall ability. If a team is interested, at least one team member must attend the kickoff meeting.

By Friday of that week, a confirmation email will be sent out to all teams confirming their participation in the competition. All teams will also be required to create a team name to be associated with.  Questions regarding the case can be emailed to the competition coordinator up until the day of presentations. 

Presentations are limited to 15 minutes in length. Time warnings at 10, 5 and 1 min(s) before the end of the presentation will be provided. Presentations will be stopped at 15 minutes sharply. The Question & Answer section is limited to 10 minutes in length. Q&A will be stopped at 10 minutes sharply.

Presentations are required to be done using Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 or higher.

Presentations are going to be judged on 4 separate categories (Each category out of 10 - max 40 points, the final score is the average of all judges total):

    • Background Research – Was sufficient information presented to clearly identify the problem and scope?
    • Implementation Plan – Can the proposed solution be implemented and is it clear how?
    • Data Analysis Finding – Is there solid analysis of the data to support the plan?
    • Visualizations, Group Presentation, and Delivery Quality – Were the graphics clear, Were the PowerPoint slides easy to follow, Were all presenters professional in appearance and delivery?

Once all teams have presented the judging panel will deliberate and set a first, second, and third place team. These teams will be announced at the awards meeting later that day.

All resources found online or with other sources can be utilized, but must be referenced. Teams should not be discussing the case solutions among each other because there is no one right solution. Those presentations that are too alike will not be scored as highly because they lack innovative and out of the box thinking. Teams are encouraged to get feedback from faculty, staff, advisers, etc however all slides must only be created by members on that team.

For any questions about the competition or any guidelines please contact 

Event Date & Time Location
Kick-Off Meeting Wed, Sept 29th, 4:00 PM Webex Link - Virtual Kickoff
Team Confirmation / Case Emailed  Fri, Oct 1st Email
Mentor Session - Signup for a 15 minute timeslot Tue, Oct 5th, 7:00 - 9:00 PM  Click here to join the meeting
Mentor Session - Signup for a 15 minute timeslot Thu, Oct 7th, 7:00 - 9:00 PM Click here to join the meeting
Mentor Session - Signup for a 15 minute timeslot Tue, Oct 12th, 7:00 - 9:00 PM Click here to join the meeting
Mentor Session - Signup for a 15 minute timeslot Thu, Oct 14th, 7:00 - 9:00 PM Click here to join the meeting
Case Presentations Fri, Oct 15th, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM BUSN 391
Virtual Award Ceremony Fri, Oct 15th, 5:00 - 5:30 PM Webex Link - Virtual Meeting


Place Scholarship Total
First Place $500/ person $1500
Second Place
$250/ person $750
Third Place  $125/ person $375